Wednesday eve- come for Lectio Divina 6:00 pm tonight: reflection on a Psalm- come you who are weary!

Tonight and each Wednesday eve come into the Keystone online space for a little reflection on scripture.  We meditate on the upcoming Sunday passage from 6-6:20 p.m. using a practice called Lectio Divina, for a type of  centering prayer.  

Tonight we will sit with one of the lectionary texts: Psalm 90 below (Rich’s sermon text gets to go off lectionary this week.) Join Pastor Lauren as we share a few prayerful moments with this text, so that “the favor of our God may be upon us, and prosper the work of our hands!”

Look for the ‘cheat sheet’ in your email, or email Pastor Lauren: for the Zoom link.

Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17

O God, you have been our dwelling-place
  in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth,
or ever you had formed the earth
and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting
you are God.
You turn us back to dust,
and say,
"Turn back,
you mortals."
For a thousand years
in your sight
are like yesterday
when it is past,
or like a watch
in the night.
You sweep them away;
they are like a dream,
like grass that is renewed
in the morning;
in the morning it flourishes
and is renewed;
in the evening it fades
and withers.

Turn, O God!
How long?
Have compassion
on your servants!
Satisfy us in the morning
with your steadfast love,
so that we may rejoice
and be glad all our days.
Make us glad for as many days
as you have afflicted us,
and for as many years
as we have seen evil.
Let your work be manifest
to your servants,
and your glorious power
to their children.
Let the favor of the Sovereign
our God be upon us,
and prosper for us
the work of our hands--
O prosper the work of our hands!

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